Microsoft Corporation love

Microsoft Corporation


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  • Its the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, not the Microsoft Corporation, that is fighting malaria.

    Creative Capitalism Michael Kinsley with Conor Clarke 2009

  • Its the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, not the Microsoft Corporation, that is fighting malaria.

    Creative Capitalism Michael Kinsley with Conor Clarke 2009

  • Its the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, not the Microsoft Corporation, that is fighting malaria.

    Creative Capitalism Michael Kinsley with Conor Clarke 2009

  • We're getting information out of Seattle, Washington regarding an announcement from the Microsoft Corporation which is tied to all of its legal troubles.

    CNN Transcript Jul 11, 2001 2001

  • Wittig brings over 20 years of senior management experience in the technology and service industry, and has held various global leadership positions focused on service and product delivery, operations, strategic initiatives, service automation, platform support and ecosystem enablement, sales and marketing for companies such as Microsoft Corporation and SAP.

    Marketwire - Breaking News Releases 2010

  • Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, has vigorously promoted clean energy in a number of speeches, and his charitable foundation works on helping farmers in the developing world, who will be badly affected by climate change.

    Climate science attack machine took donations from major corporations 2012

  • Founded in 2003 and based in Luxembourg, Skype is in the process of being acquired by Microsoft Corporation.

    Pamela Yellen: The 2011 "Noble" Prizes for Personal Finance Pamela Yellen 2011

  • Mr. Herbold, a retired chief operating officer of Microsoft Corporation, is the managing director of The Herbold Group, LLC and author of What's Holding You Back?

    China vs. America: Which Is the Developing Country? Robert J. Herbold 2011

  • He said Unesco, among other things, helps introduce American firms, such as Cisco Systems, Inc., Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corporation, to developing countries in the education field, as well as gives the U.S. a role in promoting literacy and other critical initiatives in impoverished countries.

    Palestinians Make End Run for a U.N. Status Upgrade Christopher Rhoads 2011

  • Microsoft Corporation's Windows division has seen profits fall by 6% per cent as PC sales lose out to smartphones and tablets.

    Microsoft's Windows division suffers 6% drop in revenues 2012


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